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  • Writer's pictureKari Salomone

Life comes at you fast

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

I never really understood what that meant until 2020 hit.... and boy did it hit fast (and hard).

This year was difficult in so many ways, despite the stress of myself/friends/family getting sick, the boredom over lockdown and the lack of toilet paper. Every time I thought I could see the light at the end of my personal tunnel I took another hit and went 2 steps backwards. Even my friends and family were starting to question how my luck could be so bad over and over (and over) again.

I knew that I had create my own happiness despite hardships- because no one can change that except for you. So I took control of my mental health. I let go of the people who brought me down and surrounded myself with people who made me feel happy and loved. I nurtured those relationships in my life and created meaningful connections with lots of new, good humans. I began laughing loudly and obnoxiously again and speaking my mind even when it scared me, or wasn't the popular opinion. I learned to start living for myself again, which in turn made me a better mother/friend/daughter/sister/etc. I raised a happy, healthy child on my own all while launching a brand and working long hours during a global pandemic. I'm tremendously proud of what I accomplished in 2020.

If this past year has taught as all something, it's that you can't take anything for granted. Whether it's spending time with your grandparents, having lunch with your friends, or playing with your child at the park... it can all be taken away at any moment.

I'll close this post with of my favorite quotes:

"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment." - Henry David Thoreau

Here's to a happy and healthy future. <3

xo Kari & Knox

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